Clara’s Friends and Fun Stuff

Would you like Karen to read your stories or see your drawings? Send in your stories or art!

The drawing selected for the author’s monthly newsletter will receive a free book to donate to a school or library of their choice.

    Need help sparking your creativity? Here are some of Clara’s favorite writing prompts:

    • Do you look out your window? What do you see?
    • What are you curious about?
    • Where did your curiosity take you today? Draw what you saw.
    • What do you find in your family drunk drawer? Did you use it today?
    • What adventures do you want to take?
    • What would you bring on an adventure walk? Why?
    • What is your favorite wilderness animal?
    • My inspiration comes from . . .
    • My favorite story about my pet is . . .
    • I want to have a pen pal because . . .
    • Why is it important for Clara to have a journal?
    • If I had a journal, I could . . .
    • What did Clara Hear? What did Clara See? What did Clara Feel?
    Follow Karen on social media!